Friday, March 16, 2007

Baby Signs Cards: Multipurpose!

Today I took my kids to my favorite local second hand store, Once Upon a Child. While my daughter played in their walled play area (a Godsend!), my son and I explored the clothing, books, and toys.

I leafed through every book shelf, and on the end I spotted a colorful box: My Baby Signs Concept Cards. Immediately recognizing the logo from the famous Baby Signs System, I greedily snatched up the box and tucked it under my arm, safe from any other mother.

Upon returning home, my four year old was eager to sort through the brightly colored cards. They're of excellent quality made with thick card stock, they feature full color cartoons of an illustration of the word on one side and an illustration of the sign along with the actual word printed on the other side.

Teagan was able to figure out the use of the cards immediately without explanation, and began teaching herself all of the signs as she went through the deck. She had gone through the entire stack once, and then decided it was time to kick it up a notch: she would then say the word, perform the sign, and then SPELL OUT the word while referencing the card. Once she had completed two rounds of her new game, she had already memorized the spelling of many of the words on the cards.

I will be encouraging both of my children to use these cards every day. I look forward to teaching my one year old how to sign, and my four year old how to read and spell!


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